Speaker Archive: 2009

January 2009

Lyn Canter, Orion Skinner, Mark Sonnenfeld  | Whiting Oil and Gas Corp. 

Facies and Mechanical Stratigraphy of the Middle Bakken, Mountrail County, North Dakota 

February 2009

Harvey DuChene | Consultant 

Tectonic Influences on Speleogenesis in the Guadalupe Mountains, New Mexico and Texas 

March 2009

Brian Berwick | Samson Resources 

Deposition Environment, Mineralogy and Sequence Stratigraphy of the late Devonian Sanish member (Upper Three Forks), Williston Basin, North Dakota 

April 2009

Jennifer Aschoff | Colorado School of Mines 

Recognition and Significance of Ancient Bayhead Delta Deposits: Examples from the Western Interior, USA 

May 2009

Jim Borer | El Paso 

Altamont Field, Northern Uinta Basin: Development Operations and Regional Correlation of the Wasatch and Green River Formations 

September 2009

Grace L. Ford | Baytex Energy USA Ltd. & Colorado School of Mines

Fluvial Architecture of the Wasatch Formation in Three Canyons, Utah: Implications for Reservoir Down-spacing and Drainage


October 2009

Alan J. Scott | Anadarko Petroleum Corporation

Graphic Methods to Illustrate Stratigraphic and Sedimentologic Concepts:  Case Studies from Triassic “Red Bed Climatic Cycles” and Cretaceous Coastal Plain Fluvial and Lacustrine Systems

November 2009

Mark Kirschbaum | United States Geological Survey

Stratigraphy, Age, and Hydrocarbon Potential of the Frontier Formation, Bighorn Basin, Wyoming (no abstract submitted)