March 2005
Jane E. Estes-Jackson | McElvain Oil & Gas Properties, Inc.
Reservoir Characterization of the Wasatch Formation in the Hanging Rock Development Area, Southeastern Uinta Basin, Utah
April 2005
Pete Varney | Department of Earth and Atmospheric Sciences
Some Thoughts on Dakota Stratigraphy and Exploration, Chama Basin, New Mexico
May 2005
Stephen O. Norris | EnCana Oil & Gas (USA) Inc.
Characterization, Simulation, and Successful Development of a Tight Gas, Fluvial Reservoir System in the Piceance Basin, CO
September 2005
Paul Heller | University of Wyoming
Controls on Alluvial Architecture on Intermediate Time Scales
October 2005
Stephen Sturm | Schlumberger DCS
Geologic Constraints on Restimulation of the Blair Formation, Brady Field, SW Wyoming
November 2005
Donna Anderson | Colorado School of Mines
Comparing types of fluvial bodies, with implications for reservoir description: Nonmarine Iles Formation near Rangely, Colorado