Speaker Archive: 2012

January 2012

Alan Carroll | University of Wisconsin at Madison

Prospects and Progress in the Green River Formation Oil Shale, Western U.S.

February 2012

David Pyles | Colorado School of Mines

Hydrodynamic Fractionation of Minerals in Distributive Sedimentary Deposits: Implications for Reservoir Quality

March 2012

Stephanie Gaswirth and Debra Higley | United States Geological Survey

Reservoir Characterization of the Hunton Group in the West Edmond Field, Oklahoma

April 2012

Ian Miller | Denver Museum of Nature and Science

The Snowmastodon Project: A Preserved Ice Age Fossil Ecosystem

May 2012

Mary Kraus | University of Colorado at Boulder

Talk Cancelled


September 2012

Terri Olson | EOG Resources

It's a Small World After All: Mudrock Pore Systems

October 2012

Christopher Laughrey | Weatherford Laboratories

Dual Mineral Matrix and Organic Pore Textures in Thermally Mature Niobrara Formation (Upper Cretaceous) Rocks, Rocky Mountains Region, USA -
Implications for Tight-Oil Carbonate Reservoir Modeling

November 2012

Mark Kirschbaum | United States Geological Survey

Controls on deposition and preservation of Cretaceous Mowry Shale and Frontier Formation and equivalents, Rocky Mountain Region, Colorado, Utah, and Wyoming