Donald L. Smith Research Grant ($2000 to a PhD student or split into 2 $1000 awards):
1. Maxwell Elliott Pommer, Colorado School of Mines, Advisor: J.F. "Rick" Sarg, Porosity Development in Stratigraphic Context: The Phosphoria Rock Complex, Wyoming and Idaho
2. Julia Mulhern, University of Utah, Advisor: Dr. Cari Johnson, Controls on the deposition and preservation of transgressive strata in a high-accommodation setting
Edwin D. McKee Grant
1. Cody J. Stopka, New Mexico State University, Advisor: Dr. Brian Hampton, Sedimentology and provenance from Upper Cretaceous strata in southern New Mexico: Implications for sediment dispersal along the southernmost margin of the Sevier foreland basin
2. Isaac Allred, Brigham Young University, Advisor: Dr. Sam Hudson, Fluvial architecture and facies distribution of the Cutler Formation within Fisher minibasin, Paradox basin, Utah: Reservoir modeling of a salt-influenced, source-proximal fluvial system using digital outcrop techniques
The Fluvial Sedimentology Award
1. Sharon K. McMullen, University of Wisconsin-Madison, Advisor: Dr. Shanan E. Peters, Controls on the stratigraphic distribution of non-marine fossils: a case study in the Jurassic Morrison Formation, western USA
2. Daphnee Tuzlak, Utah State University, Advisor: Dr. Joel Pederson, Investigating patterns of bedrock incision to understand fluvial processes and tectonic deformation around the Yellowstone Hotspot, Snake River Canyon, Wyoming