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Commanche Peak Wilderness Field Trip

Who: Anyone

What: Examine a unique glacial valley in the Comanche Peak Wilderness Area that was glaciated simultaneously at the upper and lower ends of Browns Creek Valley; one glacier moving downstream, with the lower glacier moving "uphill" from the main valley glacier. We will examine till, colluvial, and alluvial deposits all within the same stream valley. Plan on a hike up Brown's Cirque Lake, and then looking at geologic features on the way down. Approximately a five mile hike is involved, be ready for some bushwacking, as the trail remains above the stream valley and its associated deposits.

Where: The Commanche Peak Wilderness Area is located approximately 2.5 hours NW of Denver. We will set up carpools in Denver (departing at 7 am) and Fort Collins (departing at 8 am)

When: Saturday September 14th

Cost? Free!