Fluvial Strata Preservation and Implications
A discussion led by:
RMS-SEPM President Ellen Wilcox
Does anyone miss talking geology with colleagues? Who has an interest in fluvial sedimentology and geomorphology? Hopefully you said yes and will join the RMS-SEPM for our first webinar event! We invite members to read the article linked below and join our webinar to discuss the preservation of fluvial strata and its implications. We look forward to having you and hearing your thoughts and opinions.
Link to article: https://phys.org/news/2020-06-reveals-geographical-perplexing-fluvial-strata.html
11:45 Meeting Starts | 12:00 (MT) Discussion
Please register below; webinar link will be sent out to each registrant prior to the meeting.
Ellen earned a B.S. in Geology from SUNY (State University of New York) Oswego before moving west to pursue an M.S. in Geology from the University of Colorado, Boulder. Ellen is the newly elected President of the RMS-SEPM and credits much of her continued love of geology to her mentors and geologic community, many whom she met at RMS-SEPM luncheons. She offered to kick start the webinar series to help the community stay connected and engaged in sedimentary geology, especially during challenging and isolating times
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Please submit reservations by 10:00 a.m (MT) the day before the talk.
Email questions to information@rmssepm.org